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Do I Have to Take a Drug Test on Probation?

If you have been convicted of a crime, you may be able to avoid jail time if you go on probation. Probation is an alternative to jail time. You get to serve your sentence while living your life as usual. You will remain in the community under court-ordered conditions and the supervision of a probation officer.

One of these conditions is frequent drug tests. Many probation officers require random drug tests, and you must pass these tests in order to stay on probation. Even if your crime was not drug-related and you have been testing negative for a long time, you may have to undergo frequent drug tests. If one of the conditions of your probation is that you are not to use alcohol or drugs, then testing is the only way your probation officer can make sure that you are not using these substances while on probation. Refusing to test, failing a test, or not testing on time could be considered a probation violation.

Probation may vary across the United States based on the regulations of each state or county. Court-ordered testing often depends on the severity of the offense and the user's history of drug use or abuse.

Your probation officer will determine what test they should order. Courts most often use various methods, such as urine, blood, hair, or breath, to screen for substance abuse.

The most frequently used probation drug tests are the following:

  • Five-panel test, which will screen for marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), amphetamines, and opiates. Alcohol is usually added to this panel as well.
  • 10-panel test, which screens for 10 drugs: marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), amphetamines, opiates, barbiturates, methadone, benzodiazepines, propoxyphene, and methaqualone. Alcohol is usually added to this panel also.
  • Expanded opiate testing can be added to either of the above tests. This test will look for hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone.

Probation drug testing is typically done as follows:

  • You are placed on parole and ordered to submit to random testing.
  • Your parole officer notifies you to complete a test immediately.
  • You will order a test, report to the nearest drug testing collection location, and provide a specimen.
  • The next steps are determined by the results of the drug test.

Make sure you understand the procedures for drug testing and complete the tests as required. If you are ordered to take a drug test, you must do it or risk a probation violation.

Contact Our Atlanta Probation Violation Attorneys Today

Drug testing may seem like a real pain, but it is required for a reason. Probation officers want to see that you’re thriving outside of the jail environment.

Follow the rules of your probation, or you could be charged with a violation. The criminal defense lawyers at Ghanayem & Rayasam can help you avoid harsh punishment and protect your freedom. Call (404) 561-0202 or fill out the online form to schedule a consultation with our office today.