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Atlanta Child Battery Defense Attorneys

Criminal charges for committing physical violence against a minor child can have serious consequences. Even if the child’s physical injuries are not severe, the child’s vulnerable position because of his or her age adds weight to the seriousness of the charges. The criminal penalties can include jail or prison and/or probation, but the consequences can extend far beyond. If the victim was your own child, the court can severely restrict your parenting time with the child, such as by requiring supervised visits only; meanwhile, you will still be responsible for child support. The social and financial effects of a criminal conviction, including one for battery against a child, can be devastating for you and the people close to you. Therefore, if someone is accusing you of behaving violently toward a child, contact an Atlanta child battery defense lawyer.

What is the Difference Between Assault and Battery?

You often hear the phrase “assault and battery” as if it is one crime. In fact, assault is one criminal action, and battery is a different one, even though the same incident can, in many cases, lead to both an assault charge and a battery charge. Battery is when you intentionally make physical contact with someone without their consent, even if it does not cause serious injury. In the case of child battery, this could be something as simple as smacking a child’s hand if the child touches something you told them not to touch. Assault is a threat or attempt to cause physical harm. In other words, if you take a swing at someone in a fistfight but they move out of the way before you can hit then, you can still get an assault charge. If the victim of battery is a child, the charges will often be for aggravated battery, which is a felony, even if the child does not suffer a serious physical injury.

Family Violence Battery Laws in Georgia

You can get charged with aggravated battery if you are accused of committing physical violence against any person under the age of 18. If the alleged victim is your biological child, your adopted child, or your stepchild, though, the charges can be for family violence battery. Charges of family violence battery might also apply if the child is less closely related to you, but you live in the same household, so accusations of hitting your niece, nephew, grandchild, or young cousin could get you a family violence battery case.

Atlanta Child Battery Defense Lawyers

Child battery is a violent crime, and it could have lifelong consequences, whether or not the alleged victim is a member of your own family. If you get charged with child battery, you have the same rights as any other defendant in a criminal case; these rights include the presumption of innocence and the right to representation by a criminal defense lawyer. Contact the defense lawyers at Ghanayem & Rayasam in Atlanta, Georgia about your child battery case.